{"id":6503,"date":"2022-04-14T20:29:55","date_gmt":"2022-04-14T20:29:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/acmanet.org\/2022\/04\/acma-unveils-new-climate-impact-project\/"},"modified":"2022-04-14T20:29:55","modified_gmt":"2022-04-14T20:29:55","slug":"acma-unveils-new-climate-impact-project","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/acmanet.org\/acma-unveils-new-climate-impact-project\/","title":{"rendered":"ACMA Unveils New Climate Impact Project"},"content":{"rendered":"

The sustainability-focused initiative provides the composites manufacturing industry with essential resources to monitor and reduce climate impacts.<\/p>\n

Later this month, the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will launch its Climate Impact Project<\/a>. The new initiative will equip manufacturers of fiber-reinforced-polymer composite and cast polymer products with tools, education, and technical resources to provide their customers with important information about the climate impacts associated with the production of their products and raw materials.<\/p>\n

\u201cThe Climate Impact Project supports ACMA\u2019s Strategic Plan, furthering ACMA\u2019s vision to make composites the sustainable material of choice. Companies in industries like automotive and infrastructure that are major users of composite products increasingly need information about supply chain climate impacts,\u201d stated the President and CEO of ACMA, Cindy L. Squires, Esq. \u201cFor example, as they move toward \u2018carbon net-zero\u2019 supply chains to meet the climate goals expressed in their Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) reports, B2C companies like automakers will need climate impact information from composites manufacturers and other component suppliers.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cThe Climate Impact Project meets an important need in our industry. Recently, the SEC proposed to require most exchange-traded firms to report the \u2018Scope 3\u2019 indirect carbon emissions from a company\u2019s supply chain. As federal policy and state laws change, infrastructure builders like state DOTs are increasingly making decisions about construction materials based, in part, on a comparison of the climate impacts associated with the manufacture of components and materials. Our industry must be ready to respond with clear metrics and solutions,\u201d said ACMA\u2019s Senior Advisor to the President, John Schweitzer.<\/p>\n

The Climate Impact Project<\/a> will start with an updated and expanded ACMA Life Cycle Inventory (LCI), providing estimates of the climate impacts associated with the production of unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, epoxy and polyurethane resins, and glass and carbon fiber reinforcement, and with the manufacture of composite products using the compression molding, open molding, open mold casting, vacuum infusion and pultrusion processes, and lastly, with secondary bonding. Additional components of the project include:<\/p>\n