In Washington – Insider – April 6, 2023

ACMA Urges New Labor Contract for West Coast Ports ACMA has joined over 200 national, state and local trade associations …

ACMA Urges New Labor Contract for West Coast Ports

ACMA has joined over 200 national, state and local trade associations on a letter to President Biden regarding the uncertainty caused by ongoing negotiations for a new labor contract for essential West Coast Ports. Other signatories include the National Association of Manufacturers and the American Chemistry Council.

ACMA and other associations worked to create the letter following reports that negotiators remained at odds on a number of key issues, and shipping data showed significant shifting of freight from West Coast to East Coast ports, further straining supply chains. The letter states that “[t]he lack of a labor contract adds to this uncertainty. While we appreciate that the parties agreed not to engage in a strike or a lockout, we are aware of several instances of activities that have impacted terminal operations. We need the administration to ensure these activities do not continue or escalate.

We know that significant issues remain for both parties to resolve. However, the only way to resolve these issues is for the parties to remain at the bargaining table and actually negotiate. We encourage the administration to provide any and all support to the parties in their negotiations to reach a final agreement.”

Read full letter.