Light Resin Transfer Molding

The intermediate closed molding processes: Vacuum Infusion Processing (VIP) and Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) that were developed more than five decades ago have remained in the background until the recent development of improved engineering systems and materials. Light Resin Transfer Molding (LRTM), a variation of the vacuum infusion process, appeared as mold flexible counter molds were developed, along with improved materials and equipment.

Through the use of step-by-step procedures and interpretative pictures and graphics, this curriculum has been designed to provide the knowledge and understanding of the latest technologies necessary to successfully adapt these processes.

The Certified Composites Technician Light Resin Transfer Molding program (CCT-LRTM) provides a national composites certification standard to meet industry identified skill areas for current and future professionals working in facilities using this exciting process.

New Certifications

Newly enrolled candidates will receive online study resources, Basic Composites Manual, and Light Resin Transfer Molding Study Guide. Successful completion of certifications by completing study, mastering material, and earning 80% or higher on credential testing results in national credential and earning 3.5 CEU’s per earned certification.

Members: $310
Non-Members: $430


Enrolled candidates will receive an online workbook that can be used for successful completion of the exam by earning 90% or higher. Successful completion results in national credential and earning 3.5 CEU’s per earned certification.

Members: $65 
Non-Members: $120

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