A New CAMX for a New Time

In 2020, we have changed the way we live, work and interact with those around us in response to COVID-19. Adaptation has been key this year in almost every aspect, and that theme flowed into CAMX 2020 – The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, presented by ACMA and SAMPE. This year, as many industry events were postponed or canceled, CAMX made the move to an all-virtual conference complete with a full conference program, trade show and networking.

“The industry comes together at CAMX,” says Kevin Barnett, interim president and CEO of ACMA. “Although we were unable to gather in person this year, CAMX 2020 still provided the education, networking and industry connections so many have come to expect from this event.”

Dynamic Speakers Share Industry Insight

One aspect of CAMX that remained constant as the conference made the virtual move was the valuable input provided by keynote speakers.  Three separate keynote presentations were given at CAMX this year, offering a variety of industry expertise and insight.

“CAMX prides itself on providing our attendees access to industry experts from a variety of market segments,” says Zane Clark, CEO of SAMPE North America and secretary of SAMPE Global. “We were especially excited about the caliber and variety of speakers during this year’s event.”

First up was CAMX Opening Keynote Speaker Jim Bridenstine, the 13th administrator of NASA.  Bridenstine discussed NASA’s agenda and goals, as well as how composites and advanced materials can play a key role going forward.


“At NASA, we have a big agenda: to sustainably go to the moon,” Bridenstine said as he began his presentation. Bridenstine noted that commercial partners will be needed to achieve NASA’s objectives, and that the goals of the program could take us to new heights in the arena of composites. To do so, materials will need to be developed, advanced and sustained. However, Bridenstine pointed out that there will have to be a way to make costs manageable in order to make development possible.

Administrator Bridenstine also noted NASA’s commitment to advancing composites usage through public/private partnerships to identify and overcome challenges and streamline timing from development to certification.  He posed the question, “How do we compress the timeline?”

During the General Session, CAMX welcomed Isabell Gradert, material fast track leader at Airbus and general advisor for materials technology to the CTO. Gradert’s presentation centered on Airbus’ commitment to sustainability. “We believe there will be no industry profit without climate protection,” Gradert said.  “Preserving our planet is not a ‘nice to have’ but rather a prerequisite for sustainable growth of the aviation industry.”


In addition, Gradert noted that composites are poised to play a key role in Airbus’ journey toward sustainability. “To keep flying economically viable, aircraft needed to be more fuel efficient,” she said. “And to be more fuel efficient, they needed to weigh less. This leads to the significant increase in the use of composite materials.”

Finally, during Good Day, CAMX! Joel Whitehouse, corporate development director of Hill & Smith Holdings, provided CAMX attendees with a closer look at the global outlook on the 2020 economy and what may lie ahead in 2021 and beyond.

“The global economic view … continues to develop on a daily basis,” Whitehouse said. “Coronavirus continues to dominate the economy and global financial markets.” He said that while second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) shows extensive declines, the monthly information since then indicates a rapid pick up and a “decent” third quarter is likely for most economies.

Whitehouse stressed that even in these most uncertain of times, one of the main keys to business success remains tried-and-true: focusing on the customer. “The question should always be, how do we make the customer’s life easier?” he said and pointed to another fundamental: “When the customer wins, we win.”

Connections and Education Abound

In addition to a full conference lineup of keynote speakers, CAMX 2020 offered attendees the chance to participate in a variety of featured sessions/panels and more intimate campfire sessions focusing on subjects ranging from infrastructure solutions to the expanding role of women in the composites industry.

During the featured session Composites 4.0 Factory of the Future: Best Practices, panelists discussed how the industrial revolution – now seeing the 4th recognized global expansion into composites, manufacturing, and new market applications – is becoming more broadly understood. The panel explored the integration of data coupled with internet availability, software technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) that supports business models across supply chains. This panel was one of many, spanning a variety of topics, that allowed attendees to learn firsthand about the latest innovations from industry insiders.

This year’s CAMX campfire sessions offered an engaging, yet intimate setting for smaller groups to gather (virtually) to learn, discuss and hear from others. Subjects varied, including opportunities for composites in high-performance sports equipment, the industry’s response to COVID-19 and helping young industry professionals connect with industry leaders and each other. Over 50 people joined the “Women in Composites” campfire session, where a new “Women in the Composites Industry” organization dedicated to helping women pave their way in the composites and advanced materials industry was announced. The organization will focus on making an impact in the plant, lab and office for women in the industry.

Finally, this year’s CAMX exhibit hall went virtual, too. Over 110 exhibitors populated their virtual exhibit spaces with interactive content including videos, which were viewed over 8,000 times in total. In addition, attendees and exhibitors alike were able to hold virtual meetings at their exhibit spaces – over 820 were held this year – providing opportunities to conduct business and make connections similarly to in-person CAMX events.

While CAMX 2020 was a different experience than in years past, the fundamentals remained the same: education, networking and connections. Even though those in attendance were not able to gather face-to-face this year, the spirit of collaboration and innovation was easy to feel, even virtually.

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