Policy Priorities

ACMA works with Congress, Federal, and State government to develop and implement legislation, regulations, and other policies to ensure that composites are the sustainable material of preference and that ACMA is the key resource on composites technologies, and to provide timely insight to member on policy maters.

Invest in 21st century infrastructure solutions

We believe federal and state policymakers should greater deploy composites to make infrastructure perform better, last longer, and cost less over the course of its life.

Develop composite industry standards

We believe federal research initiatives focused on infrastructure should partner with the composites industry to identify and overcome barriers that limit wider adoption of composite materials in infrastructure markets.

Harness federal research programs

We believe federal material research programs addressing composites should be robust, reflect the depth and breadth of the industry, substantively engage small and medium enterprises, and focus on commercially viable solutions.

Increase and and quantify sustainability benefits

ACMA is working with members to meet the needs of government and private sector customers to quantify our environmental impact and benefits.

Encourage U.S. manufacturing

We believe a positive business environment that allows manufacturers to thrive and compete globally is essential to maintaining the viability and vibrancy of the American composites industry.

Regulatory Priorities

ACMA strives for science – based regulations that keep our workers and communities safe while creating a business environment that allows our members to provide jobs, innovate and do business. ACMA focuses on the regulatory priorities that will protect our citizens and allow the composites industry to thrive, now and in the future.

Regulate based on science

We believe that regulations should be based on sound research and science.

Protect the environment

We believe that regulations should always consider the full lifecycle of products because it is an important aspect of the value and latest impact of our products.

Priortize workplace health and safety

We believe that regulations should always put the safety of workers and the communities in which they operate first.

Become a Member

Become our newest member to advance your business in the growing composites industry. Together, we can make composites the sustainable material of preference.  

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