This Electric Personal Watercraft with a Composite Hull is Almost Unsinkable

Slovenian firm Quadrofoil has released an improved version of its QS2 – a limited edition, two-seat, four-legged, electric personal watercraft. The watercraft has been in development for four years and […]

ORNL’s Massive 3-D Printed Pavilion Wows Crowd at Design Miami

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has created a pavilion installation, known as Flotsam & Jetsam, which is now one of the world’s largest 3D printed objects. The installations were commissioned by New York-based architecture […]

Scientists use Graphene Composites to Make Silly Putty Conduct Electricity

A team of researchers at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, have used graphene composites to make silly putty® conduct electricity – creating extremely sensitive sensors.  The team has been able […]

Aliancys Provides Insight into Fiberglass Co-Processing

In its newest brochure for customers, Aliancys provides insight into co-processing, a recycling option for glass fiber reinforced thermoset composite materials. Co-processing is the simultaneous use of composite regrind as […]

Boeing Starts Final Assembly of 787-10 Dreamliner

Boeing has begun final assembly of the 787-10 Dreamliner, the latest and biggest member in the Boeing 787 family of commercial aircraft. Two major fuselage sections for the aircraft have […]

Researchers Create World’s First Reconfigurable Carbon Fiber Robotic Machine Tool

Composite manufacturing specialists at the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) have made what some have called the world’s first reconfigurable carbon composite robotic machine tool. The robot […]

SpaceX Successfully Tests Carbon Fiber Tank for Mars Spaceship

SpaceX has completed a critical test for the carbon fiber fuel tank of its Interplanetary Transport System spaceship, which is designed to transport humans to Mars. Last month, during an “Ask […]

Offshore Catamaran Goes from New York to Bermuda in 66 Hours

A group of sailors known as “Team Falcon” has made history by successfully completing their mission to ‘fly on water’ across the 662-mile open ocean from New York to Bermuda […]

Green Process to Make Carbon Fiber for Rocket Nozzles Receives Patent

Dr. William Kaukler, a longtime NASA contractor and an associate research professor at the University of Alabama Huntsville’s (UAH) Rotorcraft Systems Engineering and Simulation Center, has been awarded a patent […]

Colorado State University Engineers Repair Steel Structures with Composites

Hussam Mahmoud, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Colorado State University (CSU), is leading a team that’s devising innovative repairs for steel structures in canals and rivers […]