CM Magazine
Working in Tandem
The strength, durability and light weight of composites have made them the material of choice for many applications in aerospace, automotive and other industries. But composites can’t always provide all […]May 4, 2022Graphene Gains Traction
Gaining widespread acceptance for a new material can be a slow process. But that’s not been the case with graphene, which appears to be on a fast track to adoption […]May 4, 2022Understanding Fire Codes – Part 1
Fire codes can often seem rather mystifying. I’m not just talking about complicated code requirements. Development and enforcement of codes can also be puzzling. Throughout this discussion, keep in mind […]May 4, 2022Reaching for the Sky
On March 9, two U.S. Air Force pilots became the first airmen to fly an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle. The milestone stems from a two-year partnership between […]May 4, 2022Volkswagen Evaluates Sustainable Composites
Sustainability has become a core part of Volkswagen AG’s corporate strategy, and it’s shaking up the company’s supply chain, processes and material selection. This presents an excellent opportunity for composite […]May 4, 2022An Eye-Catching Penthouse Roof
Modeled on the angular wings of an F-117 Nighthawk fighter jet, a roof made from composite sandwich panels soars atop a lounge and deck above the penthouse of a Sydney, […]May 4, 2022Safe Storage and Handling of Organic Peroxides
Organic peroxides are important tools for the composites industry. They can be used to make polymers (initiation), modify their rheological properties (visbreaking), alter polarity or attach pendant functional groups (grafting), […]February 10, 2022Faster Prints, Lower Costs
Additive manufacturing (AM) today is viewed by the composites industry primarily as a faster and less-costly method of producing prototype and low-volume composite parts. That perception is changing, however, as […]February 10, 2022Continued Growth in Consumer Goods
Strong, durable and lightweight composite materials are a natural fit for the consumer products industry. From sporting goods to home appliances, composites are increasingly used for many applications. Manufacturers of […]February 6, 20222022 State of the Industry Report
As the new year began and the Omicron variant of COVID-19 led to a surge in cases, a sense of deja vu permeated the business landscape. But economists say there […]February 6, 2022
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