Composites Businesses Gain International Market Insights at Global Composites Conference

The future of the composites industry is bright. According to ACMA’s 2018 State of the Composites Industry report, global composites …

The future of the composites industry is bright. According to ACMA’s 2018 State of the Composites Industry report, global composites end product market is expected to reach $113.2 billion by 2022. Part of this growth can be attributed to the industry’s increasingly global footprint. But as the industry grows and expands globally businesses are beginning to face new and unique challenges.

In order to help companies adapt to those challenges, ACMA and NetComposites have created the Global Composites Conference, a two-day event designed for corporate and division leaders in the industry with a focus on global business, trends, and insights for the global composites market.

“Our industry is facing the reality of global competition,” says Tom Dobbins, ACMA President & CEO. “Composites manufacturing business leaders must expand their perspective seeing beyond the domestic and building partnerships that promote growth, efficiency, and profits. This conference prepares our industry’s leaders for the challenges facing our North American businesses, as well as best practices to conduct business in various markets while adapting to their unique customs, norms and business practices.”

From June 27 – 28, 2018, business leaders from all over the world will hear from a wide range of stakeholders, including suppliers, manufacturers, and engineers from all corners of the composites industry. Attendees will hear from OEMs on what the composites industry needs to do to help influence the material selection process, and what it is looking for from its supply chain partners, including standardization, manufacturing capabilities, sustainability.

The conference will kick off with keynote speaker Hamid Kia from General Motors, who will provide an in-depth look at the material selection process, and what GM looks for from its supply chain partners, including standardization, manufacturing capabilities, and sustainability. Later in the day, attendees will hear an interesting session about best practices and insights to build a strong, effective international strategic partnership. The session will give a step-by-step guide to build teams, leverage intelligence, and align your partners to create a global network that establishes a competitive advantage for composites manufacturing businesses.

Day two of the conference will feature a comprehensive session on international markets and technology trends to watch, including autonomous vehicles, smart materials and the global nanocomposite and graphene markets. This session includes insights on technology trends from GE Global Research Wind Blade Technology Leader, Shridhar Nath. The conference wraps up with dynamic sessions on changing perceptions of composites in the global marketplace and increasing adoption of composite materials in all areas.

Registration for the show is still open! Questions regarding the conference program can be submitted to Visit for additional information, including conference agenda, the detailed conference schedule, and exhibitor and sponsorship information.