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Utility Poles that Can Beat the Heat
Wildfires burned more than 2.5 million acres of land in California in 2021 and, with high heat and record drought in the forecast, the state could be facing similar losses […]August 2, 2022Positioning Composites in Automotive Production
As the automotive product landscape continues to change in multiple directions, business cases and market entry points for materials also change. Depending on the automaker, engineering team and even the […]August 2, 2022Making Composites the Sustainable Material of Choice
Climate change and its effects are a frequent topic in the news media, but the coverage isn’t merely theoretical. Companies are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable business practices. If […]August 2, 2022Biocomposites in Wind Energy
The world’s increasing reliance on wind energy has spurred demand for wind turbines and the giant blades that power them. But meeting those market needs has been difficult due to […]August 2, 2022An Innovator’s Insight into Aviation
Linden S. Blue is an aviation pioneer. He and his brother Neal were dubbed “the Flying Blue brothers” and depicted on the April 8, 1957, cover of Life Magazine as […]August 2, 2022Working in Tandem
The strength, durability and light weight of composites have made them the material of choice for many applications in aerospace, automotive and other industries. But composites can’t always provide all […]May 4, 2022
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