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Creating a More Resilient Supply Chain
Global shortages are hitting virtually every part of the composite supply chain. Prices are rising, and emerging industries are pushing the limits of available materials. With the supply chain causing […]April 29, 2021It Takes an Industry to Attain Sustainability
Sustainability has become a watchword for businesses in the 2020s. Consumers want the companies they deal with to use sustainable practices, while governments are adopting policies holding corporations responsible for […]April 29, 20213D-Printed Boat Hits the Water
In October, Italian firm Moi Composites made a splash at the 2020 Genoa Boat Show by driving the world’s first 3D-printed GFRP boat into a nearby harbor. The MAMBO (Motor […]April 29, 2021Bridge to Opportunities
You wouldn’t expect to find a bridge with state-of-the-art GFRP decking on a two-lane, rural road. But there’s one on Elizabeth Church Road in Morgan County, Tenn. Constructed through the […]April 29, 2021Connecting with Customers
The silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic for ROHM Semiconductor Europe was that it provided the company an opportunity to rethink how it markets itself and create a dynamic presence […]April 29, 2021Spotlight on Organosheets
Organosheets are continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic sheets containing primarily carbon or glass fiber fabrics. Recently, organosheets have begun to encompass a broader range of semi-finished products that share key advantages […]April 29, 2021
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