ACMA is one of over 200 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developers (ASD). ACMA’s standards development activities are initiated, managed, and maintained in coordination with ACMA initiatives such as the Composites Growth Initiative (CGI) Committees and standards advocacy projects.

Participation in the development of ACMA’s ANSI standards is open to both members and non-members at no cost. Composites professionals are encouraged to join ACMA’s standards-related committees to actively contribute to shaping the future of the industry while collaborating with experts across various fields.

ACMA conducts its standards development activities per ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards and ACMA’s Standards Development Procedures for American National Standards (ANS). Participation and engagement of members are actively sought and represent various Interest Categories (i.e., Academia, Consultant, General Interest, Government, Manufacturer, Supplier, User, and Other) within the composites industry to achieve balanced representation.

If you have relevant expertise and are interested in participating, providing feedback, supporting initiatives, or learning more about our standards development efforts, we invite you to get involved by filling out our interest form or contacting for more information.

Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (FRP) Grating & Stair Treads

This relevant committee is coordinating efforts to reaffirm the Fiberglass Composites Grating Manual for Pultruded and Molded Grating and Stair Treads (ANSI/ACMA/FGMC-Grating Manual-2017).

STATUS: Public Review Comments in Review; Consensus Body Comment in Review

45-Day Public Review Period 12/27/24- 02/10/25. | ANSI Standards Action, Vol. 55, No. 52 (12-27-24).

Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (FRP) Utility Poles

This relevant committee is initiating efforts to revise the current published Standard Specification for FRP composite utility poles (ANSI/ACMA/UCSC-FRP Composite Utility Poles-1-2018).

STATUS: In development; Relevant Committee developed draft standard.

Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (FRP) Crossarms

This relevant committee is coordinating efforts to finish a draft of a new Specification for Fiberglass Crossarms for Distribution Utility Structures.

STATUS: In development; Relevant Committee developed draft standard.

Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (FRP) Structures

This relevant committee is coordinating efforts to draft a new the Code of Standard Practice Industry Guidelines for Fabrication and Installation of Pultruded FRP Structures.

STATUS: Project Initiation Notification System (PINS) 30-Day Review Completed 04/26/24-05/26/24. | ANSI Standards Action, Vol. 55, No. 17 (04-26-24).

Unified Emission Factors (UEF)

This relevant committee addresses estimating emission factors from open molding and other composite processes. 

STATUS: Project on Hold; The fifth edition of the standard is currently on hold while a determination is made regarding the need for guidelines on estimating emissions from specific composite manufacturing operations.


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• Standards 101 (coming soon)

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ACMA is actively seeking subject matter experts to participate in our standards development activities. Together, we can make composites the sustainable material of preference.

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Join Our CGI Committees

We welcome all members to join CGI committees. CGI Committees have additional dues assessments to undertake their various projects and initiatives, but you need to be an ACMA member. For more information, please contact the CGI Team.

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