Top News – ACMA Insider – January 26, 2023

Congressional Composites Caucus Reestablished As ACMA prepares to host the February Sustainability and Infrastructure Fly-In, ACMA Government Relations has worked …

Congressional Composites Caucus Reestablished

As ACMA prepares to host the February Sustainability and Infrastructure Fly-In, ACMA Government Relations has worked with Congressional allies to reestablish the Congressional Composites Caucus within the House of Representatives.   

A Caucus is a coalition of lawmakers with a common interest in a subject. These may be related to economic, social, or foreign policy goals.  ACMA staff will use the Caucus as a way to demonstrate support for composites within Congress as we work on legislation, regulations, and other policy objectives.   

The Composites Caucus will be co-chaired by one Republican and one Democrat. The Republican Co-Chair is Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) and the Democratic Co-Chair is Representative David Cicilline (D-RI). Both have been longstanding partners with ACMA, and their staff are eager to continue to work on a number of issues.   

One of the first tasks will be to update the IMAGINE Act text to ensure it reflects changes to U.S. law under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act prior to reintroduction this year. Contact Dan Neumann, ACMA Vice President, Government Relations, with questions.