Cascade Use and the Management of Product Lifecycles

Life cycle assessment of CFGF – Continuous Filament Glass Fibre Products

Comparative life cycle assessment of composite structures incorporating uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis

Innovative composites and hybrid materials for electric vehicles lightweight design in a sustainability perspective

Current status of recycling of fibre reinforced polymers: Review of technologies, reuse and resulting properties

Recent trends in recycling and reusing techniques of different plastic polymers and their composite materials

Steering Sustainable End-of-Life Treatment of Glass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Waste from Rotor Blades of Wind Power Plants

Modelling of Environmental Impacts and Economic Benefits of Fibre Reinforced Polymers Composite Recycling Pathways

Comparison of the environmental impacts from utility poles of different materials – a life cycle assessment

An assessment of financial viability of recycled carbon fibre in automotive applications