Economic and environmental assessment of recovery and disposal pathways for CFRP waste management

Capturing composites manufacturing waste flows through process mapping

Environmental and financial performance of mechanical recycling of carbon fibre reinforced polymers and comparison with conventional disposal routes

A review on the recycling of waste carbon fibre/glass fibre-reinforced composites: fibre recovery, properties and life-cycle analysis.

Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Alternative Reinforcement Materials for Bridge Superstructures Considering Cost and Maintenance Uncertainties

Composites Used in Concrete Beams: A State-of-the-Art Review

Life-Cycle Cost and Life-Cycle Assessment Analysis at the Design Stage of a Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Bridge in Florida

A Life Cycle Assessment Approach in Examining Composite Raw Materials, Steel and Aluminum Materials Used in the Manufacturing of Structural Components

The Life-Cycle Costs of Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer Bridge Decks

2021 Carbon Leadership Forum Material Baseline Report