Plant fibre based bio-composites: Sustainable and renewable green materials

Natural Fibers as Sustainable and Renewable Resource for Development of Eco-Friendly Composites: A Comprehensive Review

Compressive Strength of Sustainable Geopolymer Concrete Composites: A State-of-the-Art Review

Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites in industrial applications: feasibility of date palm fibers for sustainable automotive industry

Damage in biocomposites: Stiffness evolution of aligned plant fibre composites during monotonic and cyclic fatigue loading

Can flax replace E-glass in structural composites? A small wind turbine blade case study

Flammability of Natural Fiber-reinforced Composites and Strategies for Fire Retardancy: A Review

Influence of industrial processing parameters on the effective properties of long aligned European hemp fibres in composite materials 

Sustainable Green Composites: Value Addition to Agricultural Residues and Perennial Grasses. 

Progress Report on Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites