Recycling and Reuse of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Resin Materials with Artificial Intelligence Technology

Recycled milled fibres in sustainable composite materials: A comprehensive review and future prospects

Open-loop recycling of end-of-life textiles as geopolymer fibre reinforcement.

Influence of Plastic Waste Management on the Environment: A review

A Brief Analysis of The Production of Building Materials Utilizing Waste-Based Reinforcements and Recycled Textiles

Recycling of waste wind turbine blades for high‐performance polypropylene composites

Analysis of Selected Properties of Polymer Mixtures Derived from Virgin and Re-Granulated PP with Glass Fibers

A pre-screening of the solvolysis recycling process for CFRPs based on the mechanical properties of the recovered fibers.

Valorisation of Sub-Products from Pyrolysis of Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Waste: Catalytic Recovery of Chemicals from Liquid and Gas Phases

Sustainable Biocomposites: Harnessing the Potential of Waste Seed-Based Fillers in Eco-Friendly Materials