Utility Poles Product Group Definition
The type of EPD shall be specified as cradle to grave. The modules considered in the LCA
shall be described in brief as per “System boundaries” outlined in ISO 21930:2017 section 5.2.
Module D may be optionally declared. It should be apparent as to what processes are
considered in each module per the module descriptions in ISO 21930:2017 section 7.1.7.
While it is unclear whether capital goods and infrastructure are significant to the overall impacts
of the products, it is known that different databases inconsistently account for these items in
secondary data sets. To reduce possible artificial variation in EPD results across the product
group, capital goods and system infrastructure flows shall be excluded from the system
boundary by default, with justification required for alternative assumptions.
When reporting Global Warming Potential (GWP 100 years) per ISO 21930:2017, biogenic CO2
and biogenic CH4 shall be included in the main GWP results; biomass carbon uptake and rerelease of carbon in the form of CO2 and CH4 shall also be reported separately based on the
biogenic carbon content of the product to be declared (see ISO 21930 Section 7.2.7).
Sustainable Minds
Sustainable Minds. (2024). Utility Pole Product Group Definition. Transparency Report EPD Program.