Composite FRP Being Used to Strengthen Existing Bridges
FiberCore Europe developed SUREbridge, a circular solution in which a composite fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) deck is placed on an existing concrete bridge.
Crumbling, unsafe concrete bridges and viaducts handling heavier traffic is an on-going problem, and demolishing and rebuilding these structures is costly and very time-consuming and is not a sustainable solution. To solve the infrastructure issue while saving valuable time and money, FiberCore Europe, in collaboration with ten European countries, the United States and the European Commission, along with the University of Technology (Sweden), the University of Pisa (Italy) and AICE Consulting S.R.L. developed SUREbridge, a circular solution in which a composite fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) deck is placed on an existing concrete bridge. SUREbridge stands for Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges.
FiberCore Europe partnered with Strukton Civiel, a firm specializing in building, managing and maintaining infrastructural solutions, to carry out numerous tests on existing, outdated concrete bridges in the municipality of Noordoospolder in the Netherlands. Testing shows that SUREbridge is a viable alternative to demolishing and rebuilding the structures. SUREbridge can also be used to widen bridges.
SUREbridge offers many benefits beyond cost savings to municipalities looking to repair damaged bridges and viaducts. Construction time is much shorter than demolition and rebuilding, limiting inconvenience for residents and businesses in the area using the road. SUREbridge also offers a longer lifespan than concrete alternatives with virtually no maintenance required, and the bridges will withstand the heavier traffic. CO2 emissions are reduced by preventing demolition and extending the lifespan of the bridge.
Strukton Civiel and FiberCore Europe recently signed a cooperation agreement and will now offer this sustainable solution to the market.
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